Elk Mountain; Distance 8km (round trip)
Elevation Gain: 800m High point: 1400m
Time: 4 hours.
This is Chilliwacks answer to the
Grouse Grind and makes for a pleasant trip with great views. The trail itself
is a great hike and starts out fairly wide. The average grade is listed at 20% but I didnt find it too bad until you get to
the last 100ms or so. Near the top are a few rocks where you can catch your breath before making the summit, until then you
will only get a few peek-a-boo views of the area. Not to worry it will be worth the wait and on a hot day you will be thankful
for the cool forest.
Once you reach the summit if you still want to explore further , you can go
on to Mount Thurston . Continue along
the ridge line for another 4km and 200m elevation gain. For wild flowers in the meadows try going July and August. Just remember
to bring water as you will not find any along the way.
To get there- Take Highway 1 pass Chilliwack and take Exit 123 , turn south
onto Prest Road. After 4km trun left onto Baily Road and then take the
right fork onto Elk View Road. Stay on the main road as it travels through
Ryder Lake Community. Once past the Ryder Lake Fire Hall you leave the blacktop and enter onto the Chipmunk Creek Forest Service
road. About 500m past a small gravel pit is the trailhead. Dont worry there is also an outhouse at the start of the trail
after your long drive from Vancouver.
I know the drive up sound convoluted however it is very picturesque and easy
to find your way.
Once up top the valley below is at your feet. Views of Cultus
Lake to the south west , along with Sumas
Mt. , the city of Chilliwack , and
Harrison Lake
to the North. Sleese Ridge to the South.
Rating ; 2 View 3